The Philosophy of the Revision


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About "Mission, Vision, and Values"

The revision of the Prayer Book is a major project undertaken by the entire Nippon Sei Ko Kai. Therefore, the philosophy of the Prayer Book revision must be shared throughout Nippon Sei Ko Kai as the philosophy of "the Prayer Book revision project" or "Nippon Sei Ko Kai conducting the Prayer Book revision".

For this purpose, we express the philosophy in the form of "Mission, Vision, and Values," which is widely used to share the raison d'etre and values of a company or organization.

Mission: Raison d'être of the revision

As we considered the raison d'être and mission of the Revised Prayer Book, the word "colorful diversity" emerged as a key word. Going further than the commonly used word "diversity," we thought that "colorful" is a word that expresses the way in which "the life of each individual, with its various colors, shines in a multitude of colors." The Revised Prayer Book is designed to create such a colorful radiance of life.

We also thought that we should be conscious of the fact that this Prayer Book serves the time and place of Japan in the 21st century, and that it is also linked to the Anglican tradition.

The "Mission" is a summary of these elements, a "catchphrase" so to speak.

Vision: The Goal or Ideal to be achieved

The vision, which shows the goal or the ideal image that the Revised Prayer Book should achieve, has not moved from the "Mission Statement" that has already been used for the past seven years. In that sense, here the "Mission Statement" is used almost as is. The following is an excerpt from the explanation of the Mission Statement.

(In exploring the nature of the "Book of Common Prayer,") a particularly important question was, "What does 'common' mean?"

In discussing this point, the key word "life" emerged. The word "life" can be interpreted as "living," "biological and/or spiritual life," or "life's journey"  in Japanese, and we came to the perspective that "common" among us means that this "life" is being lived and shared.

Our prayer book is called the "Nippon Sei Ko Kai Prayer Book," but when we understand "Nippon Sei Ko Kai" as a community that shares this "life," rather than simply belonging to it or being affiliated with it, the understanding broadens our perspective. While the baptized believers are the core of our community, the vision also includes those who are in the process of "sharing the life", that is, living the life of faith together, and those who are in various forms of communion both inside and outside the church. The churches of the world in communion with the Anglican Communion, and Christians in general, can also be seen as fellow believers sharing this "life". And even more broadly, all human beings created and given life by God can be seen as sharing this "life" in this world of creation.

Becoming a Christian is not completed at the moment of baptism, but is a lifelong process of walking in faith. Sharing "life" also means sharing this journey of faith and growing together.

While our Prayer Book is the "Prayer Book of the Church," it "becomes" the "Prayer Book of Nippon Sei Ko Kai" by those who share "Life" together using this book of "Common Prayer."

Values: Our values and guidelines for action

They consist of three perspectives: mission, theology, and practice, and should be constantly acknowledged and actualized in the work we do.

The mission and vision will be achieved when each person involved in the revision work does so with these values in mind. In this sense, these values are reflected in every part of the revised prayer book.